Worship Arts Volunteer Opportunities
Tech Team
We have a dedicated crew of a few good men who work each week on making our livestream experience as meaningful as possible. Please contact joylamb@umcgf.org for details.
Become A Liturgist
Liturgists play a vital and active role in our Sunday morning worship by leading those worshiping in the pews and online in responsive readings, hymns and reading the gospel. Please contact joylamb@umcgf.org if you are interested in joining the rotation!
Become an Acolyte
Acolytes are an important part of worship as they carry the symbolic light of God into the worship space at the start of every service, presenting the offering plates and helping with communion, if needed. They also assist with other important events in the life of the church including baptisms. Director of Worship Arts, Joy Lamb holds regular training events for new acolytes. It is a great way for youth and children to actively participate in worship.
Become a Layleader
Lay leaders function as the primary representative and role model of Christian discipleship and faith lived out in the church and in daily life. The lay leader works with the pastor to fulfill the mission and vision of the congregation.
Become an Usher
Who are the first people you will encounter at the UMCGF? It will most likely be an usher! They open the doors and welcome guests to the building, help people to their seats and assist with other tasks during the service. You can always count on a friendly smile and a “Hello, and Welcome!” from one of our ushers.
Join the Altar Guild
Our Altar Guild is a small and dedicated group of individuals who help prepare our worship space. They help prepare the communion elements, update the hymn board and assist seasonally with decorating.
We are so blessed to have a thriving worship arts program at UMCGF! None of that would be possible without the dedicated volunteers on our Worship Events Team. They are the muscle behind the worship team’s vision.